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Bring Your Own Container!

You can drastically cut down your plastic use by bringing your glass/plastic containers, cloth bag to the grocery store.

You can use your containers for: 

  • Nut butter, 

  • Spices, 

  • Olives, 

  • Bread and other baked goods, 

  • Bulk items, 

  • Salad from the salad bar, 

  • Meat,  

  • Fish, 

  • Cheese...

But where can you buy rice or olives using your own containers? 

There are couple of grocery stores in town that accept and make it easy for customers to use their own containers when buying bulk items. Just take your containers to the register. Cashier will weight and label them before you fill your jars with olives, peanut butter, rice... . 

Here is a non-exhaustive list of grocery stores that accept customers' containers. If you want to share other locations, please drop us a line. 

And check Refinement House if you are looking for local reusable shopping kit. 

Super easy! They even sell reusable cotton bags for bulk items. No need to tare, as weight is indicated on the bag (.05).

Large choice of bulk items and very easy to get your containers weighted before you put anything in them. 

Farmers Markets in Town

Farmers will surely welcome your bags and containers!

Bulk reusable bag

Sprouts Farmers Market - Reusable tared cotton bag

Not So Easy So Far....

I've tried HEB, but was difficult to convince them to weigh my empty containers. 

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